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Does setting wellness goals scare you? Are you tapped out of ideas for personal wellness goals and looking for a little inspiration?
Creating a specific wellness goal that fits your lifestyle, and unique circumstances, doesn’t need to be challenging. In fact, it should feel empowering!
Today, we’re discussing all things wellness goals, including why they’re so important, how to set them, and a master list of 29+ wellness goals ideas to get you started.
Sound like a plan? Let’s get after it!
This post is all about wellness goals.
Wellness Goals
Why set goals for wellness?
When you’re clear about the direction you want to travel on your self discovery journey, you’re less likely to follow the crowd… and the trends.
It’s so important that you set goals for wellness because having clear targets forces you to remain consistent.
Remember: everyone has unique ambitions for themselves in life.
Getting clear about what YOU truly want for yourself, devoid of society’s, your parents, or your friend’s expectations, is an absolute must.
Doing so makes you immune to peer pressure. With these visions in mind, you also become much more eager to execute your goals and achieve success.
A few other reasons why setting wellness goals is so essential are:
- Improving your overall health and wellness: you’ll feel even more confident in your own skin and proud of who you are, because you’re clear on what matters most to you.
- Reducing stress levels: instead of wondering where you should be placing your precious time and effort, you’ll know exactly what you’re working towards
- Improving sleep quality and eliminating anxiety: engaging in activities that are aligned with your personal wellness goals means you’ll likely end the day feeling fulfilled. When you’re vibrating on this frequency, you’ll have an easier time rewarding yourself with relaxation and rest when the time comes.
- Boosting your happiness and outlook on life: when you become fearless, life becomes limitless! By taking ownership of your next steps, and acting diligently, the world truly opens up for you.
Now that we’re clear on why setting goals is so important, let’s launch into the specifics of HOW to actually set wellness goals.
How do you set a wellness goal?
I recommend following a simple five-step process to set a wellness goal.
With this process in hand, you won’t feel as overwhelmed, especially if you’re just starting to focus on your self mastery journey for the first time.
Make a wellness plan: write down all of your goals, and get specific!
Remember to craft goals that are realistic, specific, measurable, and flexible (more details on this later!).
Also, remember that when brainstorming goals, they need to be supported by habits and actions so that they can be actualized.
Find a support system: consider sharing your goals with a friend or family member and ask for their support.
You can also find a wellness buddy and mutually agree to hold each other accountable for achieving your goals.
Stay positive: believe in yourself and your innate ability to reach your goals. Don’t be too hard on yourself, and remember that all things worth having take time (and a lot of effort).
If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.
Be patient: as the previous point alluded to, personal wellness is a long-term game!
Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results right away – it takes time to solidify lasting changes.
Remember that this entire self discovery journey would be nowhere near as rewarding without having to put the time in, anyways.
Celebrate small wins: congratulate yourself for every accomplishment along the way.
Don’t ignore your progress, as this will likely cause you to get down on yourself, and ultimately burn out.
Be your own biggest cheerleader. If you won’t root for yourself, who will?
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What are some wellness goals?
Wellness goals can be viewed through several different lenses – general wellness, daily wellness, weekly wellness – even yearly wellness, and broken down by the type of wellness as well.
To start, let’s talk about basic wellness goals.
There are some standard topics you can use as frameworks to set even more specific goals in the future.
These revolve around the four types of wellness: mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical.
Here are a few of them:
1.Set physical activity-related goals (physical exercise, steps per day, etc.)
2. Meditation and mindfulness (spiritual)
3. Sleep (mental)
4. Self care (emotional)
5. Nutrition (physical)
6. Social media detox (emotional)
7. Time outdoors (mental)
8. Live in the present moment (spiritual)
It may be useful to complete a wellness goals worksheet to map out where your own goals fit into the four spheres of wellness.
Lucky for you, there are several FREE online resources to assist you with this process.
Specific wellness goals ideas
To help you better conceptualize what wellness goals are, and how to apply them to your own life, I’ve compiled lists of more specific goals by category:
Daily wellness goals ideas
9. Eating a well-balanced diet
10. Managing stress levels with coping mechanisms
11. Staying positive and optimistic in life
12. Remaining hydrated throughout the day
13. Stretching daily
14. Sticking to a consistent morning and/or evening wellness routine
15. Journaling daily: we’ve got some stellar FREE journaling prompts to help with this one!
BONUS: here are some journaling supplies to help you execute this daily wellness idea
Weekly wellness goals
16. Exercising 3-4 times per week
17. Getting eight hours of sleep per night
18. Spending time with loved ones and friends
19. Going to therapy once a week
20. Reading a certain number of pages: find more book reccs here!
Monthly wellness goals
21. Review your monthly budget spreadsheet
22. Set new monthly goals
23. Update your monthly planner
24. Organize and declutter your space
25. Self educate and continuously invest in yourself.
Lucky for you, I have an entire post dedicated to implementing a monthly reset into your routine! Click here to read more.
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Long-term wellness goals
26. Distance yourself from individuals who violate your boundaries
27. Listen to a certain number of podcast episodes every week
28. Adopt a sober lifestyle
29. Attend meditation classes on a weekly basis for six months straight
30. Maintain an optimistic, cheerful outlook on life
So, how do these sound to you? Let me know in the comments below. I’m excited to hear how you’re going to implement them into your life.
Finally, I’m going to cover SMART goal ideas for wellness, as well as some examples for all four spheres of wellness.
You can apply the SMART goal concept to any of the wellness goals listed above as well.
What are examples of SMART goals for wellness?
Firstly, let’s cover what S.M.A.R.T. goals are.
The smart acronym is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound.
This mnemonic acronym is frequently used in goal setting to ensure that goals are clear, attainable, and have a distinct timeline.
In order to directly relate this idea to our self discovery journey, I’ve included some specific SMART goals by wellness type below:
Physical wellness goals – SMART
I will eat at least two servings of fruits and vegetables each day – whether that be in smoothies, salads, or raw.
I will walk for thirty minutes at least five days per week.
I will get eight hours of sleep every single night.
I will drink six glasses of water per day.
Emotional wellness goals – SMART
I will meditate for fifteen minutes each day.
I will read for twenty minutes before I fall asleep four days per week (more self discovery book ideas here!)
I will stick to a self care morning routine five days per week.
I will complete my inner healing workbook for fifteen minutes each day while eating breakfast.

Spiritual wellness goals – SMART
I will devote ten minutes each morning to my spiritual practice.
I will leverage thirty minutes before falling asleep as reflective alone time, and journal my thoughts using guided journal prompts.
I will list five things I’m grateful for on a piece of paper every morning.
I will compliment a stranger five times per week for the next six months.
Mental wellness goals – SMART
I will practice a self-compassion exercise from my wellness bucket list once a day.
I will spend forty-five minutes per day on my favorite hobby five times per week.
I will dedicate two nights per week to two hours of social activity.
I will spend thirty minutes on social media apps per day.
These are just a few examples of SMART wellness goals – there are endless possibilities when it comes to setting goals for wellness!
Just remember to be creative, realistic, and stay true to what matters most to YOU.
Wellness Goals: Wrapping it Up
With this master list of all the best wellness goals ideas, I know you’re well on your way to becoming the most authentic version of yourself.
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